Hey Jordan, hope you are doing well.

I am a Marketing strategist & a personal branding coach helping personal brands and businesses with their marketing and management.

I saw your content on IG and while the videos are good, here are few things I would have done if I were you :-

➜ Would have wrote more informative, clear and crisp captions using the best copywriting techniques

cuz lemme be honest, your captions lack hook - means nothing to really stop the scroll (thats a big loss) they also lack CTA, nothing that welcomes your potential buyers to take action

➜ Include text on the reel covers & even posts so that your audience would have an expectation on what they might see in your content

➜ show more face, talking directly to camera (it builds trust, at the end of the day- people buy from people)

➜ I would also change that bio. There's too much happening and at the same time nothing is happening in that bio.

Instead of saying 'We help people buy & sell Real Estate' you could have used something like "I help you close the best real estate deals in Australia" and then talk about the experiences

Also your marketing degree is NOT relevant to your real estate work. You can definitely boast it in your highlights or content to tell people that you are good with the marketing stuff too but your bio has limited space, rather use it wisely!

I am into marketing for over 5 years now and I deeply understand Instagram and consumer psychology.

Allow me to help you level up your online presence with optimised content strategy that will not only bring you more 'quality' leads in real estate but also create a solid personal brand increasing your authority in your area of expertise.

Reply back and we'll set up a call. I promise that even if we find out that we are not the best for each other, you will still walk out with a real-time audit of your strategy so you get to know where exactly you need to improve. Hence it's a win-win situation for you.

Best Arya